Borrowed from nature…
When we launched the new Fresh Ground Films website, we decided to develop a new custom font that reflected our values. We wanted something that communicated our passion for the natural world, our environmental ethos and our talent for telling stories with soul.

Our bespoke font is called ‘Fallen Leaves’ and is inspired by the big fallen leaves that founder Ross collected with his family on an autumn walk.
Our clever web developer, Edd, scanned the leaves and overlaid the patterns on a bold, chunky custom font that we use for headings on the website.

In ‘Fallen Leaves’ you can see clearly the veins of the leaves that provide pathways for water and nutrients to flow along. These symbolise life force and the beautiful, delicate strength of nature.

We love the creative process so it feels very fitting to have developed our own custom font for the website. Now when we’re telling clients and prospects about Fresh Ground Films, we’re doing it in our own unique style.
We hope you like it as much as we do!